Updates to the RSI Course
The RSI (registered stormwater inspector) Program is being updated to improve the course and include changes and differences related to the most recent permit requirements (2021 CGP). The updates are also designed to focus the course more towards site owner or operator inspectors, as opposed to municipal inspectors.
Course developed by USWAC, APWA, and Utah DEQ
Administered and Tracked by LTAP
Hopefully released by the end of 2022
Goals of Update:
Updated to focus on Owner/Operator Inspectors
Converted to Internet Based
Incorporate 3D photos
Restructure the Exam
New Course:
10 Modules each with Quiz
1. Welcome
2. History
3. The Permit
Permits, SWPPP
4. Erosion and Sedimentation
5. BMPs
Erosion Control
Sediment Control
Runoff Control
Site Management
Good Housekeeping
6. The Inspector
7. The Inspection
8. Virtual Inspection
SWPPP Review
Virtual Inspection
9. Summary/Resources
10. Exam
70 Questions from 113 question bank
70% to Pass
30 Days to take the course
Watch all videos
Complete all quizzes
Navigate through Virtual Inspection Environment
Prepare at least one inspection report
Pass exam with 70% score
Complete 10 inspections on site
Register to become Registered Stormwater Inspecto
SWPPP Requirements
SWPPP Needs to be prepared by a “Qualified Person” (RSW)
SWPPP Review can be done by RSW or RSR
SWPPPs need in-field inspection by a Qualified Person
NICET Level 3
New EPA Course will be added to the CGP as another alternative
Other certifying qualifications can be used on a case by case basis, can be submitted and approved by the DEQ.
Utah Lake Water Quality Grant
Application for Utah Lake Water Quality Grant Funds - $30 Million Available - work through MS4 with ideas. https://deq.utah.gov/financial-assistance/utah-lake-preservation-fund-grant-program
NetCDX Permitting System Concerns
Draft Status in CDX - means the form (NOI or NOT) has not been signed/certified. These are not considered submitted and can not be approved by the DEQ.
Industrial Stormwater Updates
Industrial MSGP Group 5 sectors - the State is beginning the renewal process for these sectors in the coming year. This is the final year of the MSGP. All NOIs will need to be renewed in 2024 after the new MSGP is finalized.
Name Change for St. George Stormwater Manager
For people operating in St. George, Kristi Shultz’s (stormwater manager) name is changing to Kristi Richards following her marriage. Her new email address will be kristi.richards@sgcity.org.